Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Eating Healthy Is Not That Hard!

We all know that vegetables, fruits, and grains have no fat, but they also have no cholesterol too! A lot of them are high in fiber, complex carbs, as well as vitamins. The Canadian Heart Association's greatest doctors would tell you to consume more foods that have a high amount of fiber and complex carbs.

These days, you have a wide variety of foods that you can choose from that you can actually enjoy, and it's good for you. Also, there is so much information about the food we eat now, that is available to us everywhere. It's not just about reading the back of the box, it's about you. If it doesn't look like you would eat it, don't buy it! It's as simple as that. Plus, you don't need to starve yourself. A lot of different foods now are very tasty, and they fill you up enough that you don't need to eat more and more.

Would you like to learn more about eating healthy? Click Here

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Healthy Heart Diet

Your heart and food
We all know that when eating a lot of food that are high in saturated fat, high cholesterol is going to follow, which is a common cause of heart diseases. Obesity is also a common cause for heart diseases. A high sodium diet is a leading factor and leads to inflammation and could end up in heart disease.

Your choice in healthy oils and fats

Consuming saturated fat will lead to heart diseaseYou can find it in meat, coconut oil and also butter. It is best to avoid them until you know you are lower in you cholesterol and you maintain a healthy weight. Red meat lovers are able to dive into seafood as much asthey like, as well as nuts as they are smart protein.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Eating Healthy On The Go

When you're on the go or not around the house, healthy eating is harder because you can't make it yourself. The truth is, eating healthy is very important when you have a busy schedule. It keeps you energized, and alert.

In your car:
Have some healthy snacks handy, so that when you get hungry - you have them. Make sure to have non perishable foods,like granola bars, crackers etc. They can keep longer.

At home:
Try to get your snacks and lunch ready at night, so it will be ready in the morning.Think of your day, and what you would like to eat, as a snack or as your meal.You can even get some cereal ready in a bowl before going to bed, in the morning, add milk and you're done! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so that is very important.

There are a lot of choices in menus, bigger portions, and a fun mood, so it's easy to forget about your healthy choices.You can treat yourself here and there, butdon't forget not to make it repetitive. Have a certain knowledge of your choices, so they will be healthy ones.

Keep your healthy habits in mind everywhere you go. You can pack some healthy snacks, so it's always on hand. Once you start with a routine of eating healthier, your body and mind will get used to it. Don't skip on healthy foods, and get some junk food. Your body will regret it. Also, your body will feel less stress about eating. The last thing on your mind before going to sleepshould be about eating healthy the next day.

For more information on healthy eating click here

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Great Healthy food recipes

Welcome to my first blog about Great Healthy food recipes.